
if all we talk about is money nothing will be funny honey

Yo yo yo blog readers.

This week has been pretty legit.I am horrendously sore from my aerobics class and I have been guilted all week by my parents for coming home from Mexico two weeks ago and not being self-sufficent by now. Yes parents, you do help me soo much, but there are no jobs. I was going to venture off campus on borrowed bicycle today to look but there is a blizzard out there and with my luck I'd probably get hit by a car due to poor visibility or something. The point is I know I am all grown up and have to take responsibiltiy ect,ect, and so what I will end up doing is probably deferring fall semester to work so that I can by a car to get to work when I get back to the burg. I hate that plan, but I also hate being put on guilt trips. Do I know how I am going to pay my rent this month? Not a clue.

1 comment:

  1. Don't defer silly goose. I will help ya get a job, and if worse comes to worst, you take out a loan. NO decision making yet!!
