

advice from a straight up janitor:
  • The carpet buffer is a beast that can't be tamed. Do not get confident and think that you are a legit carpet buffer, that is when it will attack and try to take your life. You need to have a healthy fear of the buffer. ALWAYS.
  • The cup holder in the ride on vaccuum? It's for a diet coke. Obviously.
  • Speed 3 is only for after people have cleared the building. Unless you want to explain why you have runover an unsuspecting person with a 300 pound ride on vaccuum.
  • Don't try to siphon out the dirty hose water with your mouth. Ever.
  • Put that mango scented spray on EVERYTHING.ALLTHETIME.
  • If you want to watch a play rehearsal, then pretend like you are cleaning the arms of the theater seats.
  • Don't let the wheel of the upholsterer get caught and fall down an elevator shaft.
The End.


I was contemplating whether or not to post my wedding ideas on my blog because if someone copied me I would feel pressure to punch them a little bit and then I realized that imitation is the greatest compliment so either way I win. So here you go.

simple. beautiful. lilies.
white tulips?

Bow: Yes
Glitter: NOOO
Lace: Vintage? Yes.
Simple, Classy: Claro que si.
Mermaid style: not so much a fan

Sparkley? Possibley.


the mysterious expanding soup

Once upon a time I fell in love with the man of my dreams and last Friday we got engaged, and he put the most sparkly beautiful ring on my finger ever, and on June 17 we are getting married in the temple for eternity and I will then officially be the happiest girl on the planet.

Why are we waiting till June? Well mainly because we are crazy. In love. Holy crap this is mooshy. I apologize. But not really. Well the thing is I signed up to go supervise English teaching in Ukraine. And he is finishing up his masters degree. And I am kind of distracting and possibley I require a decent amount of attention. So if we got married before, there wouldn't be much studying going on, and I want my man to succeed. Also, we decided that Ukraine will be good for me blah blah blah and when I return our love will be like 800 times stronger and we will be awarded for the longest distance relationship ever. Meanwhilst, I will be frolicking about eastern Europe and planning a wedding over skype and email, and my man will be busy out of his mind with school, and missing his lady of course. If anyone can do it we can, and somehow I am 100% sure of that.

So don't be all surprised if randomly I post pictures of maybe 50 different wedding invitations and discuss the pros and cons of each. But believe me, I never thought I would be that girl, the one who maybe has a wedding magazine in her school bag and reads it during EdTech, but don't knock it until you are engaged. You too may turn ridiculous and giddy.

Also don't be surprised if you are ever all, "Hey Kayla, what is the recipe for your Mexico soup?" And I tell you, and then overnight it expands to 4 times it's original size, and goes from a meal with the capacity to feed a family of 4 t... to suddenly a soup that can feed your entire extended familia.

So Friday I am donating plasma, and there is a 99.9% chance that it will end like any other experience involving needles and blood (i.e. with me passed out on the floor), but it's a risk I am willing to take for $50 extra dollars a week. I am poor and in college and getting married. Don't judge.