
new trends.

1 ) Being warm.
Parka it up. Wear socks that go to your knees. Roasty Toasty.
Does it look cute? Not really. But cute is whatevs when it's 2 degrees outside.
2) Being Engaged.
Everyone is doing it. It's a good time.

uhhh i love this picture. and my fiance.
3) Avoiding PDA. Fiance dominates this trend.
Very trendy that man.
4) Sage green. Maybe not. Maybe it's a personal obsession.
Maybe feeding ducks is my personal obsession.

4) The ol' lean up against a tree with a handsome man and do the "RARRR" face...
uhhh ok not even but i'm tired just let it go.

My engagement pictures are the awesomesauce of life. My Padre took them. I fed the duckies salt and vinegar chips. And they liked it.
My kindle is also the awesomesauce of life. I just downloded Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy.
I am getting into the eastern european spirit.

uhh remember how I have to leave this Fiance for 4.5 months?
do not make this a trend. ever.

Fiance and I played The Farming Game (very entertaining despite the title) with his mom and ate sushi and shrimp cocktails last night. Sushi is my favorite food in the world.
We toasted sparkling cider at midnight.

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