
viernes ♥


The day started off perfect. I woke up and did pilates in my little bedroom and took a hot shower for the first time this week! No, not as opposed to no showering, as opposed to a frigidly cold one. Our boiler has been out of commission this week. My experience was comparable to jumping in the lake at Glacier National Park. Key word there is Glacier. Take your breath away, body numbing cold.The crazy thing was by about day 4 of the icy blast I got used to it.

I had my moments of solitude listening to some tunes laying out on the roof. Leah and I are contemplating putting a kiddo pool up there and possibly one of those little grills. PARTY!! Of the wading in a kiddie pool, drinking rootbeer, cooking of some random carne sort.

Teaching was the usual. But the usual is.. good. It's nice. I love walking into the school and seeing the faces of my little toddlers light up. I love their hugs and smiles and the feeling of being needed when they reach up and just want you to hold them. Today little Oscar was dressed up like a bee for some reason, little wings, antennas and all. So adorable. He right out crashed on the desk while I was reading the story, and when class was over I just picked the little wild guy up and he just put his arms around my neck and he slept there. I have cleaned snot off many a little nose and even cleaned pee off my floor, but I am so happy I get to teach them despite all that. This sounds super cheesy and cliche but whatever this is my blog, I can't wait to have a little toddler of my own, snotty faces and all.

Due to the Hair Color Disasters of 2010 I would like to say, " If you have got something good going on, don't screw it up." I don't know who said that but it is a simple statement loaded with truth. It was a week of hair dye chaos starting with me. Hair dye that is on sale at the Gran Bodega should be a definite no, the on sale part alone a GIANT red flag that says, "don't put me on your hair". Anyways for a night I had bright red roots. I ran ( literally though) to Wal-Mart the next morning and got a brown to die over it, it's fine now. Nicki had a similar adventure at the salon with the red... I don't know if it was because of a English to Spanish issue or completely different perspectives on what is "bonita" and what is... the same color as our red curtains. Hmmm..

In our evening classes we were cleaning up and I was holding my water bottle talking with that Gareoso. I don't know what came over me but he turned around and I just squirted his pants with it. Kind of a lot. And I have no idea what I was thinking and I just kind of stared at it and apologized a lot. Spending too much time with kids maybe? Starting to act like one occasionally, you should see all us teachers play a game of Down by the Banks or leg wrestling things get pretty intense I won't lie.

Besos y Abrazos,

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