
peace rexburg. again.

I am FINISHED with finals. My car is PACKED. My apartment cleaning assignments are sooo SPOTLESS. I would totally eat a meal off our bathroom floor. That's how clean it is. Actually just because I have superior cleaning skills doesn't mean I'd do something sicknast. Ok. I have some things to tell you.

I did this semester BY MYSELF. I had no boyfriend, no one to give back rubs or talk to me before I go to sleep or to reassure me when I'm freaking out or to stay up till the butt crack of dawn helping me study for finals. I did this! And I did it happily.

Tomorrow I will have 9 hours to drive home and clear my head and process everything that did and didn't happen this semester.. so hopefully the next one will be even better : )




i ♥ finals week.
that's a lie.


feelin like a star you can't stop my shine


The return of Beta fish.
When we moved in Beta was sitting on the table. Abandoned. An orphan. My heart went out to Beta. But not so much that when he mysteriously dissapeared I went looking. I didn't look, and thought ignorance is better in a situation where Beta goes missing since your roomies had been complaining about said fishy for weeks. Today, Beta reappeared. Looking sad and droopy. Turns out Clark had adopted Beta, and decided to... ehh not love Beta anymore and return him while no one was here without saying anything. Awesome. We fed the droopy fishy right away, and he seems as though he realizes he is home, he is happy and eats like a starved panther in a field of wilderbeasts. Also I gave him part of a chocolate chip. To cheer him up since the abandonment must have been traumatic. He no longer droops. Welcome home my gilled baby.

Sand in Pants.
Bon Fire. Lame guys who went on Spanish speaking missions plotting to pick me up and toss me in the sand in Spanish. I understand a lot of Spanish. And was sitting there thinking how awesome it was to understand them, and not so much how awesome it would be to run, and not have sand in your pants. I got caught. And if it wasn't for Alyssa who came to my rescue I would be a whole lot sandier. let me tell you. A lot.

The Epiphany
I was playing a card game and I was teamed up with a guy since I'd never played before. We had a crappy hand. I have played cards I know when I should fold. But he let me toss our chips away and loose the game. Then every time I would hit the ball off the table in ping pong and be like, "that didn't happen!" or " didn't count!" he would go along with it. I then realized that I can't be with someone who lets me walk all over them. I need someone who challenges me and calls my bluff. Because maybe occasionally I like to test my limits with people subconsciously.

The Great News
I am coming home in a week!!!! AHHHH!

The Other Great News
I am managing to stay sane through finals week.



this time baby i'll be bulletproof

So I was thinking that maybe my muse that inspires all of these blogs of hilarity
died. But maybe it just took a long nap, cause it's back.

Irrational Sewing Fear #237:
That I will hit a pin while sewing and the needle will
break off and stab me in the eye.

Irrational Sewing Fear # 238:
That I will mistake pinking shears for that chalk roller and
cut my finger open.
Oh wait, that happened.

guns don't kill people, sewing machines do

Ok folks though srsly, I enjoy sewing. When I'm not bleeding to death or ripping seams it's kind of calming and enjoyable.

Fact: I have 1.5 weeks left of the burgler
before I return home to rock mo-town.

Lie: My history teacher is Hugh Nibley.
Maybe someone should tell him that he isn't Hugh Nibley.

Fact: When Clark was being lame about girls night tonight I asked him if he was going to wrestle with his roomies and watch Newsies.. boys night? He didn't think it was funny.

Fact: I read the book Hunger Games last night.
I started at like 8 and finished around 3 am

I swam around Monkey Rock with B-Face and friends today.
Whoever named these places around Rexburg was criminally insane
and probably obsessed with animals.. Beaver Dick Park.. Monkey Rock.. hmm..

Ok. Girls night time.


there in my rearview mirror dissapearing now

I went home to Mo-Town over the weekend.
We moved.

And it was a party.
No Hopey we could not forget you if we wanted to.

I gave this garden gnome a hug. Because I was so filled with love obviously.

I went boating with some buddies.

I went on a datester.

And stuff.

Nothing ever changes in that Mo-Town.

We celebrated this dude's birthday. This dude and named Grandpa Face.
My Grammy loves him.

We showed off our familyness in this amazing shot that was taken with the help of my timer setting and running skills.

I rebonded with my siblings. They are the bombsaucy.

I took this crap picture of fireworks that we lit
off in the potato field behind my grandpa's house.
You are probably thinking...
"Kayla you are smalltownsauce."
I know.

I ate these. Off the tree.

I love this baby cousin. We needed her in our family

Instead of resenting the Mo-Town, I appreciated it.
For being itself.
I got to see all my long lost amigos.

I went to breakfast with my padre.

And set off on the open road back here to the Burg.

peanut butter m&m's + diet dr. pepper+ radio blasted+ me singing at the top of my lungs=
ideal road trip scenario

No Rest Stop for 97 Miles= not quite as ideal
peeing on side of road= surprisingly liberating and hilarious