
this time baby i'll be bulletproof

So I was thinking that maybe my muse that inspires all of these blogs of hilarity
died. But maybe it just took a long nap, cause it's back.

Irrational Sewing Fear #237:
That I will hit a pin while sewing and the needle will
break off and stab me in the eye.

Irrational Sewing Fear # 238:
That I will mistake pinking shears for that chalk roller and
cut my finger open.
Oh wait, that happened.

guns don't kill people, sewing machines do

Ok folks though srsly, I enjoy sewing. When I'm not bleeding to death or ripping seams it's kind of calming and enjoyable.

Fact: I have 1.5 weeks left of the burgler
before I return home to rock mo-town.

Lie: My history teacher is Hugh Nibley.
Maybe someone should tell him that he isn't Hugh Nibley.

Fact: When Clark was being lame about girls night tonight I asked him if he was going to wrestle with his roomies and watch Newsies.. boys night? He didn't think it was funny.

Fact: I read the book Hunger Games last night.
I started at like 8 and finished around 3 am

I swam around Monkey Rock with B-Face and friends today.
Whoever named these places around Rexburg was criminally insane
and probably obsessed with animals.. Beaver Dick Park.. Monkey Rock.. hmm..

Ok. Girls night time.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! I love Kayler facts! And funny story, my ex, let's just say his name is C. Anderson...no no, Casey A., he loved newsies!! I never could bring myself to watch all of it...so maybe it's a good sign that clarky-poo didn't like the idea of watching it? Or maybe we should just write him another song and propose...I'm down with whatever
