
peace rexburg. again.

I am FINISHED with finals. My car is PACKED. My apartment cleaning assignments are sooo SPOTLESS. I would totally eat a meal off our bathroom floor. That's how clean it is. Actually just because I have superior cleaning skills doesn't mean I'd do something sicknast. Ok. I have some things to tell you.

I did this semester BY MYSELF. I had no boyfriend, no one to give back rubs or talk to me before I go to sleep or to reassure me when I'm freaking out or to stay up till the butt crack of dawn helping me study for finals. I did this! And I did it happily.

Tomorrow I will have 9 hours to drive home and clear my head and process everything that did and didn't happen this semester.. so hopefully the next one will be even better : )


1 comment:

  1. I am jealous that you have a longer carride than me! Nine hours to clear the head after all the junk the last week of school sounds like LOS CIELOS
