"Hey Alyssa how was your day?"

" baphhrmmmwariojdfasdfkj"
How It's Going To Go
Next time a guy asks me out this is how it will go.
Guy: Hey Kayla I was wondering if on Frida ( CUT OFF)
Me: Ok. Dude. Let me just tell you something. We will go out. You will take me to dinner and bowling or something and we will have the same conversation that I've had on my last two millionfirst dates . It could even be fun, you walk me to the door blah blah blah you get a hug and a kthanksbye, and possibley you will ask me on a second date.
Guy: ......
Kayla: Then somewhere between date 1 and the end of date two you will decide that I am too ehh spirited or laugh too much or that my parents are too divorced or that I live too much at the ridge or that I don't know how to play piano, and then you will fizzle me and decide not to talk to me again. So, how about you just give me the $20 you would have spent on date one, and I can go to Ross and find some adorable shoes that will make me infinitely happier then being fizzled by some dude again this semester. Kthanksbye.
Some may say... but Kayler you too hold responsibility for the fizzlement of could be ehh relationships. False. Fizzling is unexplained ignoring and avoiding, characterized by suddeness and confusion, on my part. I try my very best to be honest with my feelings.. I mean if I don't like someone and they keep asking me out I will be like... I'm sorry I just want to be friends and I don't want to lead you on.
Also, Yes I am aware that I emailed the maitinence guy to come fix the overwhelming smell of burnt rubber which actually turned out to be one of my yellow measuring cups all tangled up in the heating coils of the washer, but under no circumstance am I going to answer the door no matter how many times you ring the doorbell because I am in my towel sittin on the counter putting my makeup on. So a no answer on the whole door bell ringing extravaganza means buhh byee not enter freely. Just FYI.
I've had a tough day. And I really just would like someone to miraculously sneak into my sewing drawer (drawer 11c top floor of the clark sewing lab on the righttttt) and fix the disaster that is my "blouse" while simutaneoulsy quizzing me on info for my history test that I have today, and hey while I'm being frivolous why don't they just bring me a cold diet coke. And possibley give me a hug, and tell me that not very many people die from sewing classes and history tests... that would be appreciated....
I'm still full of hope. By the way. And also love. For the people that read my blog.
Guy: Hey Kayla I was wondering if on Frida ( CUT OFF)
Me: Ok. Dude. Let me just tell you something. We will go out. You will take me to dinner and bowling or something and we will have the same conversation that I've had on my last two million
Guy: ......
Kayla: Then somewhere between date 1 and the end of date two you will decide that I am too ehh spirited or laugh too much or that my parents are too divorced or that I live too much at the ridge or that I don't know how to play piano, and then you will fizzle me and decide not to talk to me again. So, how about you just give me the $20 you would have spent on date one, and I can go to Ross and find some adorable shoes that will make me infinitely happier then being fizzled by some dude again this semester. Kthanksbye.
Some may say... but Kayler you too hold responsibility for the fizzlement of could be ehh relationships. False. Fizzling is unexplained ignoring and avoiding, characterized by suddeness and confusion, on my part. I try my very best to be honest with my feelings.. I mean if I don't like someone and they keep asking me out I will be like... I'm sorry I just want to be friends and I don't want to lead you on.
Also, Yes I am aware that I emailed the maitinence guy to come fix the overwhelming smell of burnt rubber which actually turned out to be one of my yellow measuring cups all tangled up in the heating coils of the washer, but under no circumstance am I going to answer the door no matter how many times you ring the doorbell because I am in my towel sittin on the counter putting my makeup on. So a no answer on the whole door bell ringing extravaganza means buhh byee not enter freely. Just FYI.
I've had a tough day. And I really just would like someone to miraculously sneak into my sewing drawer (drawer 11c top floor of the clark sewing lab on the righttttt) and fix the disaster that is my "blouse" while simutaneoulsy quizzing me on info for my history test that I have today, and hey while I'm being frivolous why don't they just bring me a cold diet coke. And possibley give me a hug, and tell me that not very many people die from sewing classes and history tests... that would be appreciated....
I'm still full of hope. By the way. And also love. For the people that read my blog.
Also, turns out my apartment is now a TV show called
This was, hands down, your best post ever! Amen to EVERYTHING you said. I love the dating idea, I am going to adopt it hahaha. Then we can go to ross together and be happy little clams...whatever that even means. And if you can survive your apartment, you can survive sewing and history ;)