Thank You:
Heather. For being less ADD then Alyssa and I. And for removing the cookies from the oven when A and I went on a Horkley's run and forgot that they were in there today. And for being a sweetie, and being brave, and for being there for me, and for our good talks. Heather is an awesome example to me.
Alyssa. For having a contagious laugh and letting me share your closet. And food. I would be among the starving and naked without you. Maybe not so much naked as less cutely dressed. And also, for being your crazy self.... and most of all for listening to me and legitimately caring.

B-Sterd. For being my bestest friend in the world that I tell everything. For knowing all about me and loving me anyway... For being the strongest person I know, and the most hilarious. For making my week and making sure I got to go to the midnight showing ofEclipse .. B always has my back.
And for not being the only one who thinks that eating plain frosting is one of the most legit things out of the unlegit category that you can do. We were having a study break last night.
Brian. My little brother. For being my text buddy, and a turning out awesome. For forgiving me when I forget to call, for being a good big brother to Chels face. For making me feel cared about and missed up here. For being determined and an example to me. I love my little brother.
Rexburg Temple. For living across the street, for standing there tall and beautiful as a reminder every day of why I am here and my goals in this life. For bringing me peace every week when I go and every day I pass by. I am so blessed to live so close.
To Mexico. For giving me some of the most amazing months of my life... teaching me patience and how to love and how to say goodbye...
My Sewing Teacher, Sister Blake. For not giving up on me, even when I am just about ready to give up on myself in there.
Yoga. For giving me a chance to just breathe. To clear my head. It's much needed.
Sometimes it is tough up here at college. And by sometimes I mean a lot. But when I just take a minute and look at all of the things that are working for me rather than against me.. I feel so so much better.
Heather. For being less ADD then Alyssa and I. And for removing the cookies from the oven when A and I went on a Horkley's run and forgot that they were in there today. And for being a sweetie, and being brave, and for being there for me, and for our good talks. Heather is an awesome example to me.
Alyssa. For having a contagious laugh and letting me share your closet. And food. I would be among the starving and naked without you. Maybe not so much naked as less cutely dressed. And also, for being your crazy self.... and most of all for listening to me and legitimately caring.

B-Sterd. For being my bestest friend in the world that I tell everything. For knowing all about me and loving me anyway... For being the strongest person I know, and the most hilarious. For making my week and making sure I got to go to the midnight showing of

Brian. My little brother. For being my text buddy, and a turning out awesome. For forgiving me when I forget to call, for being a good big brother to Chels face. For making me feel cared about and missed up here. For being determined and an example to me. I love my little brother.
Rexburg Temple. For living across the street, for standing there tall and beautiful as a reminder every day of why I am here and my goals in this life. For bringing me peace every week when I go and every day I pass by. I am so blessed to live so close.
To Mexico. For giving me some of the most amazing months of my life... teaching me patience and how to love and how to say goodbye...
My Sewing Teacher, Sister Blake. For not giving up on me, even when I am just about ready to give up on myself in there.
Yoga. For giving me a chance to just breathe. To clear my head. It's much needed.
Sometimes it is tough up here at college. And by sometimes I mean a lot. But when I just take a minute and look at all of the things that are working for me rather than against me.. I feel so so much better.
Part of my face, Horkleys (ehh mom it's a rare occasion i'm not addicted to caffiene, LOVEYOU!!), the Aenied of Virgil... which I have yet to be grateful for.
Part of my face, Horkleys (ehh mom it's a rare occasion i'm not addicted to caffiene, LOVEYOU!!), the Aenied of Virgil... which I have yet to be grateful for.

I feel like I should have a glass of champagne and be raising it as you read this post...or something. Translation: loved it! haha, I dont know what I am trying to say. But luckily you do hahaha. I love ya woman, you are incredible, and even more so if you read that monsterness of a book.