plus my besty face for life bsterd, who was my assistant, and who i adore

Some days in the sweat shop are not happy days. By sweat shop I mean my sewing class. By not happy I mean... when you are sewing a collar onto a blouse and you finish and hold it up to discover that only parts are legitimately sewed and there are
On the bright side of Wednesday, everyone loved my ballet inspired butt kicking workout. Which surprised the crap out of me. I was standing up there afterwards, bracing myself for the impending "constructive criticism" cause I felt like it was slightly jumbled and my transitions needed improvement, but it didn't come. Even my teacher said she liked it. Which goes to show the power of prayer, and that maybe it blinded them to my mistakes, or I just have a really nice class. Hmm.. Or maybe no one noticed and they really did like it. Awesome.
I still want a sample of ballet workout..if it comes in samples to try...haha. And I never got to hear about that blouse! I wanna see itttt. and you are an amazing phototakegrapher. For reals.