I ♥ this

Important Definition(s):
Main Entry: home·less
Pronunciation: \-ləs\
Function: adjective
Date: 1615
: having no home or permanent place of residence
Main Entry: home·less
Pronunciation: \-ləs\
Function: adjective
Date: 1615
: having no home or permanent place of residence
— home·less·ness noun
Thursday I will be going back to Mo-Town.
I haven't been there in 7 months.
I have mixed feelings about the said Mo-Town
Saturday, we will be putting everything my family owns in boxes, and moving all the stuff in it to a different house. This is called moving.
I have done that a lot.
My main fear is that my Hopey dog won't remember me.
I will cry if this happens.
We are having a giantsauce party for my grandpa face.
With all of my family.
I will drive to the casa de mi Padre on Sunday night.
I miss that man.
Home is where the heart is. Right?
Then I will drive back to the Burg.
I haven't driven a car in 7 months.
Meanwhile in my apartmento we are having studyfest complete with
and a
Heather is awesome at guitar. and singing.
watch out world the next T-Swift lives in my apartment.
I sang along : )
It was a happy time.
I taught Yoga this morning.
And came home and went back to bed.
And loved it.
I am giving up
I have some goals.
They are fantastic.
I will tell them to you soon.
" Although it’s hard to say goodbye, you’re better off working by yourself than wasting your time on the wrong person. "
It's bed time.

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