Back in high school, which I graduated from a year ago this month, I was a health nut. I was crazy about fiber and I even sometimes had my own special container of Kayla Food in the fridge that was filled with healthy Kayla Approved fruits and vegetables. I was also running cross country, so I was running everyday, sometimes twice a day. Sometimes, I'd go into invincibility mode though and start thinking that that was just how my body looked on it's own, and have blue dew nights with Brittany and Danae and we'd eat like 40 frosted sugar cookies between the 3 of us and tons of crazy sugary blue Mountain Dew . The invincibility mode lasted through my first semester of college where I was downing ice cream and whatever baked treat my roomates made like a ravenous animal, and I still basically looked the same. I'd go to the gym 2 or 3 times a week.
Mexico changed everything. Not only was I not excercizing, since I couldn't run on my own and our attempts at pilates in the morning failed, but I loved the food like I have never loved food before. Food in the states was just whatever, I had a hard time thinking of things I liked. In Mexico, I loved EVERYTHING. I probably ate an average of 8 tortillas a day. Not to mention uhh dulce pan, bueno bars and fried bananas. Needless to say I got back to the states with 1 pair of pants that still fit. On account of all those pants were size two, it wasn't really a huge deal to anyone but me. To me it signified the first time in my life where I realized that I couldn't do whatever I wanted and still have a super flat stomach and size 2 jeans. Which I guess signifies growing up and not having the metabolism of a horse.

Which brings us up to now. Now is a struggle because I think that I am straight up addicted to sugar. I don't buy ice cream or brownie mixees anymore, and I have started back buying all healthy foods and I try to get to the gym everyday. I am setting goals and just trying to be healthy and good to my body because life is to short to have to worry about it falling apart. So I am trying. To be nice to my tummy. And not eat after 8.
p.s I love my new herbal Country Peach tea
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