
things you should try

  • caramel sea salt brownies. I made them tonight. click for recipe .
  • taking out your headphones when you run and just listening to your heart beat and your shoes hitting the pavement.. thinking your own thoughts. don't get hit by a car should be one of your thoughts, though. they don't think twice about that in these parts.
  • changing the way you part your hair. I did. And I feel whaa bam awesome! Little changes do that sometimes.
  • reading 7 habits of highly effective people. I love that it is written by an LDS author with concepts derived from values and standards, rather than quick fixes. Great perspective for my engaged self : )
    "Love is something you do: the sacrifices you make, the giving of self. If you want to study love, study those who sacrifice for others. Love is a verb. The feeling- a fruit of love, the verb."
I feel so proud of my little Brother for getting his Eagle Scout!!

I know that takes a lot of work. He is a good kid.
I feel so full of gratitude for the lessons that I am learning here and for all of the people who are helping me along the way, especially my sweetie fiance who is works so hard to support the little family of him & I that will be official in LESS than two months. I am ecstatic.


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