
kind of a soap box blog post

Clean checks suck. I must have been disillusioned. Mainly by the fact my first semester I am pretty sure Brandi did all the cleaning. And I was left with the lame stuff that I couldn't mess up. And now I am the Brandi, having a spazz attack because it looks like no one has ever cleaned the toilet before.

I read something sad today. I follow many blogs ,and in one of the blogs an entertaining beautiful creative girl told her readers that she is finally getting help for body image issues that she has been fighting her whole life. My heart sank, because someone that I think is so amazing to me has to deal with something that is so hard. And I started to think about the pressure that we as women have to live up to this impossible ideal.... We are never thin enough, smart enough, or talented enough, and the media that we are bombarded with relentlessly reminds us of this. We are being asked to be paradoxes that can't exist, and with the drive that we have to better ourselves, we end up comparing and beating ourselves down, saying I have too much of this and not enough of that.

I keep a picture in the bathroom where my roomies and I get ready that reads, " If only you could see yourself the way I see you, you would know of your infinite worth." The Savior is in the background. To Him we are good enough, to Him we are worth something, and if we come closer to him we will feel his infinite love come into our lives. I am far from perfect in this aspect, so maybe I am writing this for myself, but maybe too that someone might remember that they are never alone.,and that they are fabulous and lovely, and with the hope that someday we can all look in the mirror and smile because we know who we are, daughters of our Heavenly Father, and that we wouldn't be here if we weren't good, if we weren't worth something.


  1. Wow...I think you wrote this post for me! Its definitely not easy being a girl and living up to the world's expectations, let alone our own. Thanks for posting, I needed to read this! I love you Kayler :)

  2. You've got it figured out! I wish, like you, that more women did. You're a great example to me, Kayla---thanks!
