
no rainin on my parade

Today was filled with moments that just made me say.. "REALLY?!" Sometimes in a good way, sometimes not so much. Exhibit A: I walk out of my apartment only to discover that it is raining like no other. I run back in and grab my umbrella. I didn't even make it out of the parking lot before the heinous wind blew it inside out and broke all the little wimpy metal poles. Possibley I tossed it in a dumpster and said, "REALLY UMBRELLA!"

Then, I asked my world civilizations teacher what I could do to make up for the fact that I had a calender mix up and didn't do this little presentation thing. And he said I could come to his office anytime and do the presentation there. REALLY OLD MAN!? I'm not going to get zero points! Excellent.

Then I walked into children's lit and there were homemade oreos on the table. "FERREALS!?" Yeah I ate 4. Really. And the class was super fun, luvvv it.

Then. I went to the second floor. To Study. And proceeded to fall asleep and possibley drool on my book bag a little bit. And woke up with a note on my desk that said, " I like your shoes." I should have stood up and yelled THANKS! to the general audience that is the library. I know that they would appreciate in on account of it's not like I get glared at when I turn a book page to loudly or anything. Anyways I can't decide if that is bizarre or super neat, that a person was that insistent on sharing their love for my teal pointy toed ballet flats with the flowers on them. Let's go with... SUUUPA NEAT.

Then I went to the Lazaris with the girlies from my lit class and we got to read Horton hears a Who and have bubbles blown at me by adorable children.

Fact: In Mexico I struggled to communicate. Every sentence was a struggle when you are learning Spanish. Now that I am back, words seem so easy to say, and it's so easy to talk. In consequence, I talk to people more now that is easy. And I am making friends in my classes. And I like that.

Also. I made a grilled cheese without burning it. And it was delicious.

Also, the dude who is the teachers aid in the photography lab invited me to " documentary night" and I am going. With my roomie Mer, as back up, in case it's something serious and I laugh and an awkward time.. anyway... yeah. I don't know if I'm a documentary kind of girl on account of if I watched it I might get extreme like the Day Without Shoes and buying Toms I don't know.. Like what if I got all freaky about saving dolphins or something? I can completely see that happening.

luvs luvs luvs



In 90210 which I viewed today, Teddy says to his dad after his tennis match, "Everyone is an expert from the sidelines."

Think about that. Because that is the only deep thing Teddy on 90210 will probably say.

1 comment:

  1. We'll watch the cove next week so that you go all crazy and want to save all the dolphins:) I'm glad you came!! ps. I think my dreams are as crazy as yours.
