
centipedes and bad dreams

On Fridays my only class is photography lab... but on account of I am still mulling over exactly what I want to do for my next assignment which is motion.. I didn't have anything to do.. and went home at 8:30... I wouldn't have gone but I swore I wouldn't skip class this semester to myself.

Then in the temple I was soo soo tired I was practically asleep when I was waiting my turn.. but it was amazing and peaceful as always..

So I get home and do pilates and clean my apartment and crash for a 2 hour nap... And had the worst dream everrrr. It was that I was back in Mexico, and it was my last day, and I had to say goodbye all over again. Once tore me apart enough... In the dream I was doing everything in my power to escape a teary goodbye and was just trying to basically peace, which possibley was an idea I had while I was there.. that didn't work. It threw me off for a bit, but then Brittany came over and we partied the rest of the night with her roomies. We went to a basketball game, and I got super into it... which is as random and out of character as... me eating a hamburger...or shutting the door when I pee. I never do. Except when boys are over. And hamburgers are sicknast.

Oh and then me and B were sitting on the floor watching a movie with her roomies and this rabid centipede comes crawling out of the darkness right past us, probably with the intent of eating our faces off........ we freak out and made Joe Bob kill it even though Hannah was entirely opposed to ending the life of this " innocent" bug. False. That bug has like 200 legs. Sorry Hannah that thing was asking for it.Gross. And Brittany thinks it bit her. If they do that.

Happy Weekend : )


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