
happy easter

The Easter bunny is a crazy guy. First off, bunnies don't even lay eggs, so why do we assume that when we find Easter eggs and chocolate in our baskets that the Easter Bunny has made an appearance in the night? What is this bunnies motive? And why doesn't he come to Mexico? Santa makes it all over the world. Why doesn't someone gift the Easter bunny some sort of sleigh and it can be all springy with flowers all over it and some birds. According to my brief Wikipedia research I now know that we can blame the early Germans that settled here in the states for the generous rodent tradition. I do know one thing though, if I ran into a Giant Bunny in the night I would freak out and possibly wet my pants in fear. In the daytime even. Nevertheless, do I appreciate this mysterious rabbit's services? Yes. Do I understand? No. Do I want to? Also a resounding no.

But now, I am going to get back to watching General Conference and contemplate the actual meaning of Easter.


So after GMFHE.. which is Giant Mexican Family Home Evening, I confronted Gareoso because he's been acting super shady and not making eye contact when he talks to me. So when he was walking down the hall with my headphones that he graped out of my room I confronted him, and was all " Garret did you dad like beat you while I was gone you are acting weird and I'm mad at you." And he was all, "Maybe tomorrow we can be friends." Pssshhft yeah right my headphones are still missing.

And then I called my bestest friend B-ster and got to catch up, and also say hello to the rest of mo-town since I called during a mo-town party which happens a lot up at the burg, since all of mo-town is at the burg.

Anyway I need to find my headphones and then get some sleep, going swimmin with the host fam in the morning. Woot!

11 days till I am in the states. 11.

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