

My apartment complex has blocked blogspot. Which would be a minor tragedy if their weren't ways around everything. This blog is like my journal... I mean it has all of Mexico on here. My roomates can attest to the fact that I had a small panick attack when it happened. I couldn't talk I just needed quiet time. I mean I kind of definitely think that my roomies have something to do with it since they are sketch anyway and I used to vent about them on here until I had a change of heart. I mean it wasn't fair, if I want to tell them they are messy or if somethings bothering me then I will just say it to their faces. So here is my blog apology. I am sorry. And I'm really trying to get along with everyone.

Today was soooo good. I regained my love for running outside.. treadmill? What was that about? I don't run on treadmills. I feel very back to Kayla it was sooo soo nice.

Anyways luvs it is nap time


1 comment:

  1. I've been playing catch up on your blog... laughing my bum off and feeling sorry for u for the roomie nastiness at the other times. I had a roommate at Ricks aka BYU-I that would always leave the cupboard doors open, drove me insane. She'd leave the kitchen and every cupboard door was wide open. Then I got married and not only were cupboard doors open, but so was the fridge and when I'd walk over to shut it I'd trip on the size 10 1/2 shoes in the middle of the floor and fall face first into the Butterfinger garbage wrappers left on the coffee table and land in the juice that got spilled but never wiped up then I remembered when that roomie would leave the cupboard door open and I thought "why can't people just put back what they get out and clean up after themselves?!?!" Best wishes Kayla and please marry my brother... ;)
