
recipes for happiness: sexy abs.

Once upon a time I was 14 and started doing a pilates video that I now probably have memorized word for word. It gave 5 ab excersizes that are the best thing that has ever happened to me, besides chocolate, and my fiance. And now I will share them with you. They work your transverse abdominis, the muscle that runs horizontal across your lower stomach, which is why it flattens your stomach out. It gives you girly pretty abs as opposed to some manly 6 pack. I even googled some how-to pictures for you.

1) The pilates hundred. You've probably done it before. Lay on your yoga mat. ( Did I bring mine to Urkaine? Yes.) Bring your feet up to a 45 degree angle, or a 90 if that is hard. Lift up your head, and start pumping your hands up and down, breathing in for 5 counts, and out for 5 counts, untill you get to 100 if you are hardcore, 5o if you are.. me.

2) Single leg stretch. Again, Lay on your mat. Drop one leg down to a 45, bring the other knee into your chest. Put your outside hand on your knee and the other one on your ankle. Breathe in for 2 counts, switch legs and breathe out for two counts, with your head up. 20 or 30 reps

3) Scissors. Same situation, this is all mat work. On your back, bring your legs up to a 90, drop one to a 45, grab wherever is easiest to reach, your ankle, your knee. Now bring your head & shoulders up, bring your leg into your chest. It is a good stretch, and to really work your abs bow out your elbows. 20 or 30 reps

4) Double leg stretch, my favorite. Laying down, bring your head up, your feet out, toes pointed and legs barely off the ground, and then reach your arms out and around, bring your legs into your chest, breathe out all of your air, inhale, and stretch out again. I do 10 or 15.

5) Oblique Bicyle. By this point my abs are dead, but you keep going. So you are laying down, legs off the ground, bring one knee into your chest, have your hands behind your head, elbows out. Bring elbow to opposite knee, exhale, switch. Try 30.

I do these about 3 or 4 times a week after I run the stairs in my apartment building, it is way too cold to run outside yet.



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