

Here are some funnies about teaching the kiddos here.

Yesterday little Vadim got up during opening and yelled to Amber and I, " SIT DOWN, ME TEACHER!" ha ha ha. He is a spirited little guy, and also overly affectionate trying to kiss me all the time, but we let him go over the rules for the other kids.

It's not uncommon for me to walk by a class and hear a teacher say, " keep your teeth in your mouth please!" What does that mean?! It means that the kids eat so much junk that all their baby teeth rotted, had to be pulled and be replaced by fake teeth on retainers. And they pop them out and play with them all the time and it's really gross. Dental care isn't as cool here as it is in the states. A contributing factor could also be that many families eat chocolate for meals. I thought I would be more excited when I found a people who consider chocolate to be a food group.

Another oddity we have discovered is that the kiddos don't know the difference between the words know and no. The teachers would ask, do you know this game? And the kids will respond.. I yes this game!! We are working on finding solutions, and also laughing because it's pretty hilarious.

Also, this should be pretty obvious but you should never sit down on the toilet seat at an elementary school. Unless you want to sit in the pee of kids who can't aim. Maybe I learned this the hard way.

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