
wake up slow

So you know how the url of my blog is thisfarfromhome? It's from this song.. it has a special place in my heart.. It's called Child of Light by Mindy Gledhill... My first few weeks in Mexico I listened to this song repeatedly every night on my ipod before I would go to sleep.. It was comforting for me in a place where everything was new and unfamiliar.

Did you ever wonder who you are
do your ever wonder as you stare into the stars
Where you began
And how you got this far
from home

Have you ever walked along the shore
Have you ever seen the water dancing back and forth
Did you look inside
To see if there was more to life

You will never ever stand alone
You were never called to bare your burdens alone
Where there’s fear
Love will take control

And lead you on

There’s a dream taking wings
There’s a voice that wants to sing
Even in the deepest darkest night
The Torch is raised to the sky
There are hands that hold it high
You were born to keep it burning bright
You were made to fly you were meant to shine
Child of light


Today was chill. So chill that when my alarm went off at 8 am for me to go running with Steph and Hannah, I looked at that alarm clock, and said "No." And I slept till 10. Then I took my leisurely time getting ready and sipping some mint herbal tea that my dad sent and took an overly long hot shower. Some days you just have to.... relax.

Tonight after my evening classes my host sister Ashley and I made a cake for my host Dad's birthday. We turned on some sweet Mexican soft rock and had a really fun time! Which leads me to believe that we are a lot the same.. when I cook or clean I always turn on music.It was a lemon cake... sooo good. I know how to make it but I don't know the ingredients in English.. hmm.. Then Iron and my host brother Abraham helped us by making the little sandwiches for his fiesta.

Some of my favorite times here in Mexico have just been sitting around the table with my host family talking and usually laughing till I could pee. I am so blessed to be here with such a amazing host family!! It makes me miss my own to though.. I have a really good one. A really really good one. Being here has made me love and appreciate them 100 times more if that makes sense at all. I was sitting with my host family today thinking.. I'm not ready to leave here.. I love it here..

Then after dinner we were all saying goodnight ( we eat dinner at like 10 pm) I was the first upstairs, but the hall was all dark and scary so I decided to wait.. and by wait I mean I crouched behind the couch. And when Ashley got to the top of the stairs I went.. "BAHHHH!!" and she screamed so loud ha ha I almost died laughing.

My evening classes are so different from my morning ones. I mean in the mornings I teach adorable loving toddlers and in the evening I teach 13 year olds that are almost as tall as me, and also somehow learned to talk back and be kind of disrespectful at times. It's hard to command authority like that. I mean I want to be their friends, cause sometimes we can just talk like we are, but then I have to be all.. "Daniella, put your phone away" or " Dude, sit down we are still in class and I'm trying to teach you stuff, ok?"

Like in opening, where we sing songs and talk about the weather, we sing this song- The banana song.. and it's all.. unite bananas.. peel bananas.. smash bananas.. eat bananas.. go bananas.. but they revolted and decided to change the words to peel garret, smash garret, eat garret, boo garret... Which is kind of really gross and kind of Lord of the Flies status.

Song that is stuck in my head: The Scientist- Coldplay

Buenos Noches,

1 comment:

  1. So I pretty much miss you like way too much. I need my Kayla, but I have a dilemma...I love reading about how happy you are there and I don't want you to have to leave because then you will miss Puebla as much as I miss you now!!
